Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Baby Memory Quilt

Using my daughter's old baby clothes, I made a precious keepsake quilt.
I have pictures with her wearing most of the outfits sewn in the quilt.

1. I selected the clothes. I chose those my daughter wore the most. They were the most loved and we still remember her wearing them. 

2. I cut them out into squares and rectangles, trying to preserve the most important part of the garment. I was not to keen on making every piece the same size. 



3. I sewed the pieces together by hand. A very laborious job but very meaningful. With every stitch, wonderful moments with my daughter as a baby came to mind: 

- she wore the 'Girls Rock' shirt when she got her first tooth
- she wore the 'I (heart) My Dad' on her first Father's Day
- she wore the 'My 1st Boo' shirt for her first Halloween
- she wore the orange 'I Love My Mom' shirt when she did her first crawl on the floor
- she wore the purple butterfly shirt when she took her first steps
- the song 'Rain, Rain Go Away' is still her favorite

The quilting is also done by hand. I did not want to interfere with the pictures so I just quilted around every patch to secure it onto the batting. Nothing to complicated since this is the second quilt I ever made.


  1. We're the finished picture?

  2. The quilt is still in progress. I am sewing it by hand because most of the fabric is knit and the sewing machine is not doing a great job.

    Also, every handstitch I make reminds me of the wonderful time I had when my daughter was a baby.

  3. The quilt is ready! Tons of work to quilt by hand but totally worth it. I hope you all enjoy it and get inspired by it.

  4. Great idea! It turned out very well! Did you make the quilt by hand? It looks awesome!
