Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Toy Box

This is a great idea to entertain curious toddlers. 

Gather all kind of interesting objects from the miscellaneous drawer (deemed to be safe for toddlers, of course) and put them in a small plastic drawer box.
It makes wonders for a toddler!

Repurpose Stuffed Toys into a Draft Stopper

My daughter's old baby stuffed toys are no longer favourites. I still want to keep them around as keepsakes. I noticed that the playroom's door was quite drafty so I decided to repurpose the stuffed toys into a draft stopper.

This is a very easy and super fast DYI project.

1. Gather stuffed toys that are no longer favourites.

2. Charge the glue gun and start putting them together. (I guess sawing them quickly by hand would also work.)

3. Place the new draft stopper in to prevent the cold draft from coming in.

I would suggest using this draft stopper only on tile so it would slide easily when the door is open and closed.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Baby Memory Quilt

Using my daughter's old baby clothes, I made a precious keepsake quilt.
I have pictures with her wearing most of the outfits sewn in the quilt.

1. I selected the clothes. I chose those my daughter wore the most. They were the most loved and we still remember her wearing them. 

2. I cut them out into squares and rectangles, trying to preserve the most important part of the garment. I was not to keen on making every piece the same size. 



3. I sewed the pieces together by hand. A very laborious job but very meaningful. With every stitch, wonderful moments with my daughter as a baby came to mind: 

- she wore the 'Girls Rock' shirt when she got her first tooth
- she wore the 'I (heart) My Dad' on her first Father's Day
- she wore the 'My 1st Boo' shirt for her first Halloween
- she wore the orange 'I Love My Mom' shirt when she did her first crawl on the floor
- she wore the purple butterfly shirt when she took her first steps
- the song 'Rain, Rain Go Away' is still her favorite

The quilting is also done by hand. I did not want to interfere with the pictures so I just quilted around every patch to secure it onto the batting. Nothing to complicated since this is the second quilt I ever made.